medieval times project part 1

Our last project in 5 was related to Medieval Times and Castles. We had a great time while decorating the classroom and discovering lots of legends.

As in every project we started by talking about the things we knew and the ones we wanted to know.

 Our families made fantastic castles with the kiddos

 and we add the books and information they brought about medieval times to the project table:


Castles in Navarra and medieval leyends
During the project we discovered all the castles that are still in Navarre as well as some medieval towns such as Puente la Reina, Ujué, Olite, Marcilla…. 
Castillo de Javier:
 Santa Maria de Ujué: a fortified church
 Marcilla's Castle
 Olite's Royal Palace

We talked about the most famous navarre castles and then we place them in a map to later on do our own:

THE LEGENDS:Navarre is a region full of legends and there is a collection of books that tells the most important ones.

We discovered why the navarre's coat of arms has chains all over it, how Teodosio De Goñi killed a dragon in Aralar, what happened in a very special banquette in Marcilla .....

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