I survived my first (out of my own school and with my teacher friends as the audience) presentation and it was AWESOME. i'm so happy to be able to share with other teachers all the amazing things I've learned and experienced in the learning to read field. And moreover, seeing that this can be of any help to other teachers makes me incredibly happy.

MORE EXCITING NEWS: I've been offered the opportunity to give an extended course on phonics in October and November in two different cities in my area!!!!
So now it is time to start to freak out and prepare material for a 15 hour-course.
I'm spending my mornings reading and learning about brain based approach. THESE BOOKS ARE BRILLIANT. Can't wait to put all this into practice with my kiddos in september.

Summer is also full of great time outdoors, at the beach, in the countryside with my family and friends, going out and spending time with my adorable one.