In english we focus on the story "The Very Busy Spider" and we learned lots of things about Spider Webs.
The first thing was getting to know who really liked spider and who thought they were disgusting:
There were some kids missing that day but the result was clear: 3 year olds wanting to learn things about spiders. Brilliant.
We saw the adorable story "The Very Busy Spider" in video, I told the story, we represented the story in little groups and after that we created popsicle puppets to tell the story at home.
When representing the story the animals (in groups) said: "spider, do you want to play?" and the spiders (we needed more than one to make speaking english easier for them) said "No I am busy"
Probably the best activity yet was "Building Spide webs" They started getting interested on how spiders build their webs. We talked about if it could be easy or difficult building webs. Some kids make the connection between the story and reality saying that it must be hard as the spider didn't have time to play with the animals in the story and then she fell asleep.
We then decided to build a spider web in class using a ball of yarn.
and some days later we built one outside.


Using watercolors we colored spider webs